Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Day One Hundred and Forty: Batter Up!

Although softball can't really be considered "America's Past time", it certainly is a derivative of the game of baseball.  Thousands upon thousands partake in friendly games of ball and bat around the country every year, including right here in Lawrence, Kansas.  Last night, Lucy and I took ourselves out to the ball game to support our favorite slugger: Pete.  

Pete, and his friend Joe, are part of a team that originated
 in the psychology department at KU several years ago. I'm not sure how many of the people still on the team are from within the department, but I know that at least those two of the guys have really nothing to do with it except that their friends are/once were doctoral students there.  I also believe their team name has something to do with "psych"ing you out, but I can't be sure.

Apparently this is a week of admissions for me, so here comes another one. I'm not a huge baseball fan.  Softball, or at least playing softball, is even worse. I was the kid in the outfield picking daisies who subsequently got benched for the next couple games and ended up directing my talents toward something else after 3rd grade.  Playing in a league with the Sedgwick County DA's Office while I interned there a couple years ago boosted the game's reputation in my mind, but I'm still not a huge fan.

BUT, I LOVE going to the ball park.  There is nothing that tastes better than an overpriced hot dog on a warm summer's eve or afternoon.  I always cheer the mustard bottle on in the "mustard, ketchup, relish" race, and love singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame", but I would rather watch paint dry than watch baseball (or golf) in any medium other than "in the flesh."  Nevertheless, we wanted to see what Pete had been up to on Wednesday nights for the past couple weeks.

Although neither Lucy nor I indulged in a concession stand hot dog at the Clinton Lake Sports Complex, the game was just as entertaining and fun as any major league ball park.  Pete's team emerged victorious in the last inning thanks to a nice shot in deep left field by Joe.  Above are a couple of shots of my favorite slugger slamming one into right field, and crossing the plate to add another run to his team's tally.  Maybe I'll venture out again next week....