Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day One Hundred and Thirty-Two: Scrappy

As I've lamented before, finding a photo that is "photo-of-the-day" worthy isn't always the easiest task (here and here). But as the project has continued along, my eye is beginning to recognize seemingly mundane as things that are actually quite picture worthy. Taking a phrase everyone knows from the cotton commercials, these little things are the "fabric of our lives" (fabric used figuratively, of course) and are the little joys that make life worth living. All good things-- big or little -- are gifts from the good Lord above. The fact that I got to put strawberries into my yogurt this morning was one of those little good things. It's even more of a blessing that, not only do I get to eat every day, but I get to choose what I want to eat. Somehow those scraps turned into a photo revealing the bright colors the world has to offer you and I, and helps us recognize how lucky we really are.

P.S.  Thanks to Tim for linking me to another photo project/ book which inspired me to look for things like this!