Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day One Hundred and Forty-Seven: I need to get out more

Today's picture: a bunch of eggs.  I could insert a bunch of egg jokes...saying that this picture is nothing really "egg-straodinary".  I could mention how eggs are an "eggcellent" source of protein and other things that are good for you.  How about we talk about "Egg-clesiastes" favorite book of the bible.  Nah.  I could also talk about how Weird Al Yankovic is a really "eggcentric" guy, but I won't.  

Instead, I'll just tell it like it is: I was running out of time to take today's picture and didn't have any ideas.  I've photographed most of the interesting things around my house already and went to these eggs as a last resort.  Can you tell I'm less than "eggcited" about this picture?  I'm not really being fair to myself with the title of this post: I was out and about last night doing quite a bit and had my camera along side me for most of the evening.  But they were all places you and I have already visited and nothing new and exciting "egg-sposed" itself.  (Go ahead and boo.)

The picture itself isn't bad...there is a lot of nice contrast, but it is what it is.  If you want to see some really cool pictures, check out Pete's blog. He's been taking photography to a new level the past couple days.  But be sure to come back...I promise to have something a little more interesting tomorrow.

On a side note, thanks for making yesterday a RECORD day on this blog!  Forty-six people, some new, some old, visited green polka dotts yesterday, and that doesn't take into account the people who keep up to date through a reader of some sort.  I know that doesn't sound like a whole lot, but it's very fun for me.   Thanks for all your support!  Keep on keepin' on and come back daily!