Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day One Hundred and Forty-One: Shop Talk

Here sit Bob, Jack, and Gloria. Or at least those are the names I’ve given them.

Every once in a while I allow myself a tasty cappuccino or latte treat (although that “once in a while” has been more frequent this week. Oops). Usually I venture over to Starbucks (please refrain from the hissing) to get my skinny hazelnut latte. (Skinny = using skim milk and sugar free flavoring syrup.) But today, I was going to stay at the coffee shop for a while, and because Starbucks doesn’t provide free wireless, I went to the local coffee shop right across the street: La Prima Tazza. That is where I met Bob, Jack, and Gloria.

My only real interaction with the trio was when I asked them if I could take their picture and provided the URL for this blog. I am now regretting not talking to them, finding out their stories, and who they are. My guess is that they are people who met at the coffee shop because they regularly venture there. When the weather is nice, they sit outside and read the paper and enjoy each other’s company. When it’s not so nice, they make the difficult decision whether or not to get out of bed for the coffee and fellowship. Bob seems to be the type of guy who enjoys a nice cup of black coffee, while Jack puts a little cream in his coffee, and Gloria enjoys tea. Of course, this is all conjecture, but pictures are always much more interesting when stories accompany them.

Bob and Jack did share with me that I was not the first to see them sitting there and recognize it for its photo worthiness; a couple of years ago, “US News and World Report” found them just as fascinating as I and took their picture. (I couldn’t find the picture anywhere on the internet.) Maybe we find them fascinating simply because they look so peaceful. They also “remind” me of days gone by, before the internet and cell phones and twitter and iPods, when life seemed so much simpler. I’m also a bit jealous of their ability to just sit and enjoy the day; as of Saturday, I will be in my seventh state in less than a month, spending a fair amount of time at each location. I’m anxious to just sit.

You probably have your own ideas about who Bob, Jack, and Gloria are and what they (and the picture) represent. Bob, Jack, and Gloria, if you’re reading this, I encourage you to say “hi” (via the comments) and share the story that I failed to discover. Thank you for brightening my day.

And, just for the record, I will be venturing to La Prima Tazza more frequently now. I’ve been there several times before, but only now have I come to appreciate how much better (and cheaper) their coffee is. The atmosphere is wonderful, the memories are great (this picture and a first date with someone special), and it’s home to the BEST latte I’ve ever had.