Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day One Hundred and Thirty-Nine: Modern Art

As we’re driving different places, Pete will often point to something and say “click”, indicating to me that he sees a photo opportunity right then and there. Almost half way into the project, I’m finally getting the idea to take mental notes of the things that could be potential photo opportunities. Running is always a good opportunity to see your neighborhood and really take it in, and on a recent run, I came across this piece of modern art, that I suspect is shaped to look like Kansas Wheat, not too far from my house. I took one of those mental notes, and today, I went back and captured the image.

I have to admit something here: I’m generally not a fan of modern art. Splatters of paint on a canvas or cracks in the concrete floor of a building (yes, that was the main exhibit in the Tate Museum of Modern Art when I left London in December 2007) don’t say anything about the world or people and are projects that any bull headed moose could accomplish. BUT, all that being said, there are exceptions to the rule, and this piece qualifies as one of them.

Going to take the pictures, I was excited about what was going to come from them. After taking the pictures, I was disappointed that the trees prevented any sunlight from coming in and reflecting off of the bottles. But after uploading them and getting a closer look, I again became excited both about the work and the picture. Maybe that’s a lesson to me to look a little closer into all modern art and see it from different angles. Maybe not. Whatever it is, I am very happy with the way today’s shots turned out and hope you enjoy the blissful blue coloring as much as I do.