Monday, May 11, 2009

Day One Hundred and Thirty-One: Vino

Someone once told me about how they save the corks from the bottles of the wine they drink, and  write the names of the persons with whom they shared the bottle and where they drank it on the cork.  They then put it in a container so that on a rainy day, they can look back and remember those times.  My roommate Jennifer has been doing something similar to that.  Although she's not writing the name of the people with whom she enjoys the vino, she has been saving the corks and is in the process of making them into a hip bulletin board.  There are corks from bottles of wine enjoyed simply over a nice meal, corks from bottles opened after a hard day, or corks from bottles opened in celebration (including one -- most likely-- from celebrating the end of the bar exam).

As I sit here looking at the corks, each one is different, including the ones from the same vineyard or type of wine.  Each cork has it's own pattern that is as unique as the day that accompanied its consumption.  When viewed as a whole, this cork tells a much larger story than the individual corks could ever tell.  If you were to make multiple cork boards, although they would be similar in content and design, each is unique, and reminds of us of both the whole and individual parts of our lives and each God-given day and year, no part more important than the next. 

Wine itself has long been romanticized and shared over meals amongst friends, but I'm not sure I've ever thought this much about the cork.  Who knew the inch long cylinder could provide so much insight to life?!  

I don't really drink a whole lot of wine, but I think I'm going to start a collection like this with the next bottle I open in an effort to remember the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of each moment of life.