Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day One Hundred and Thirty-Three: Like a box of Crayolas...

Like a box of Crayola Crayons, this picture seems to capture every color in the spectrum (or so I like to think).  I caught this picture on a delightful walk with my dear friend Kristen and Lucy.  Much like the sun in this picture, Kristen's time in Lawrence is setting...she is graduating this weekend.    Kristen was one of my first good friends here in Lawrence, and although we're both extremely busy people, every once in a while we're able to make time for our favorite tradition: getting ice cream at Sylas & Maddy's.  

Like every good friendship, the sun never actually sets on relationships like mine and Kristen's; it will just shift colors now that the circumstances have changed. And, she  won't be far away...she has a year of grad school and student teaching left, and will be just living around the bend in the Kansas City Area.   Hopefully whatever shade this part of the friendship takes, will be just as beautiful as the last.