Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day Six: Underrated

Whenever I go to baseball games, I always cheer for the mustard in the ketchup, mustard relish race.  I think mustard is an underrated condiment.  It's tangy, yet not over-powering.  It add just the right amount of "umph" to a hot dog or sandwich to take it from mediocre to memorable.  Yet, not everyone thinks so highly of my friend mustard. Lots of people, including myself, enjoy mustard's brothers: honey mustard, dijon mustard, etc.  But they don't always appreciate the original-- accept no substitutes.

For several Tuesdays since Pete and I started dating, I've been able to join he and his friends for their weekly burger night.  I'm not sure how long burger night has been going on--possibly years--but it's one night a week (most weeks...sometimes its just not possible) that they stop what they're doing and get together.  Every week they have the same waitress, who has 
subsequently become their friend. I brought my camera
 to burger night tonight to see if anything would pop up as my picture for the day.  After the meal had concluded and while the KU game was still on, I broke out my camera and just started playing.  This is what I ended up with. I suppose the title to this entry could really be "An Ode to Mustard", but I think "underrated" expresses more of what I feel about, well, mustard. The picture to the left is the picture I thought was going to be my selection today as we were leaving the restaurant, but in reviewing the pictures, the solo mustard bottle won out.  

I could philosophize more about mustard's greatness and how people just don't give it enough of a chance, but that's another story for another day.  Rather, the next time you are at a restaurant and the mustard bottle is standing there right next to the dominant ketchup, I encourage you to take a risk and try a dollop on your food.  Don't forget, if the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains, imagine what faith the size of a bottle can do.  Savoring the yellow deliciousness is just a start. :)