Saturday, June 7, 2008

Things that make you go Hmmmm.....

Yesterday was the deadline for our professors to turn in our grades. I've had one grade, the last final I took mind you, since before graduation. I've been waiting for the other two (one of which is LEGAL AID....where there is no final!) since then. I checked this morning and saw that there were now marks in the grade spots: B+ in Legal Aid and a "WG" in Complex Lit. I don't understand either of these grades. A B+ in Legal Aid? Seriously? I'm not sure what else I could have done to get a better grade. Everything was always done on time, I communicated with my clients, I made a couple of mistakes, but that's part of the learning process. I was never told that I could improve upon anything, and was told that I was a great intern. Thus, I am befuddled at receiving a B+. Also, what the heck does "WG" stand for? The guy I work with said he also received that mark and neither of us could figure out what it meant. I thought it might mean "withhold grade" b/c I have some sort of outstanding charge on my UBill, but I checked and I don't. This lack of a grade makes me nervous; our transcripts have to be to the bar examiner's by June 15 in order to sit for the KS bar in July. I will be FURIOUS if it doesn't make it there in time. What further frustrates me is that this final was during the first week of finals. There are only 9 of us in the class. I understand the professor has other finals to grade, but right now, I can't sit for the bar because I have yet to receive a grade in that class. This day is not starting off well.

BUT..on the other hand...yesterday was a wonderful day. The weather was picture perfect: 85 degrees, no humidity, no wind. I sat outside doing bar exam stuff all day, then went on a long bike ride. It was just fabulous. Today, however, it is as humid as the day is long, and also quite blustery. Ick. Good thing I have to work. Then again, it's not like I would be outside anyway. Stupid bar exam.