Thursday, June 12, 2008

near Hades

I've had several conversations with people in the past couple of days who ask me how my summer and bar review are going. At that point and time I find myself at a complete loss for words to describe the complete torture and near hell experience that is studying for the bar. Doctors might be able to understand, but even then, their test are cumulative over a year or (at least to my understanding), and are not the culmination of 3 years of schooling after which, if you don't pass, you have to wait 6 more months in which you drain your bank account. I study 8 hours of day right now, and that number will grow as the bar comes nearer. I hate to be a glum-bum all summer, and I've resolved to be positive as much as I can. But there is truly no way to understand the hellish experience of studying for the bar exam without being there.