Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cilantro: God's gift to taste buds

One of the few things I am still finding pleasure in during these bleak days of bar preparation is food.  Although fortunately (or unfortunately, depending upon how you look at it), the higher summer temperature is sufficiently keeping my body temperature up, and is thus decreasing my appetite, I still have (and make) plenty of opportunities to indulge in the delectable dishes I enjoy so much.  Tonight I made some black bean mango salsa. Since it's supposed to be refrigerated for an hour before eating, and I literally just finished, I have only gotten a small taste of its potential...but if that one bite says anything, I won't have any problem eating all of that...very quickly. 

One of the other things that brings me joy is getting a latte in the morning. Fortunately, I have not developed an addiction to caffeine...I can go an entire day without having a headache from no caffeine...but I just love the taste of them.  And as elitist and wrong as it may sound, no one makes a better latte than Starbucks.  Sorry you local coffee shops...I will patronize you when I can, but sometimes (most of the time) you just don't cute it.  My staple: skinny latte with sugar-free hazelnut syrup. Mmmm.

Some of the other things (read: food) that are getting me through the bar exam: lots and lots of propel mix packets, bowl appetite, bagel bites, wing and yummy's nights, ice cream in general, almond and cranberry trail mix, banana chocolate chip bread,  gummy bears, and frontega chicken sandwiches.

Yes, that is a lot of junk food. yes, my diet isn't super great right now.  Yes, I work out a fair amount to keep off the extra poundage.  Yes, you're going to have to deal with it. :)