Sunday, June 8, 2008

They say history repeats itself

Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself, "If it weren't for one tiny little issue...," you two would be perfect together? I have friend like that. From my perspective, we've skirted around admitting we like each other for almost a year now. And I do like him...I really do. Except our "tiny little issue" is a big issue: religion. And it's not that one of us is faithful and the other the opposite. Quite the contrary actually. in fact, we both have such a deep believe in God that the deeper issues of faith are the problem (saints, Mary, salvation upon "conversion", etc.) I keep trying to think of ways to work around this problem to see if it would work; I imagine scenes from the movies where people decide to put everything aside for the sake of love and not worry about anything else, or suddenly everything just coincides and they live happily ever after as we ride off into the sunset.

But this is real life, and if there is ONE thing my time in England taught me is the importance of my faith. Not just my faith, my Catholic faith. I'm not going to go into lots of details because I feel this is neither the time nor the forum to express such thoughts. But I do ask for your prayers...prayers in the belief that either something with him will work out, or that God continues to help me be patient until someone else comes along.