Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE board games? Well, I love love LOVE board games. (Clarification: by board games, I don't mean games that are restricted to moving pieces on a board. In fact, most of the games I enjoy most actually have nothing to do with boards.  But I'm pretty sure that you all know what I mean when I say board games. Oh, last point, this includes card games as well.)  For the past couple weeks, I've been attending a book club to discuss Walker Percy's Lost in the Cosmos (good book...deep book...read it when you're ready and able to think long and hard).  Tonight was our last night, and afterward we plated Taboo for quite a while. I loved it. I made a fool of myself at some points (see Shakenspeare supra), but had so much fun.

With the exception of when I'm at home, I don't get to play board games that often.  My roommates don't like them (actually, I only know about one of them for sure...the other I've never asked) and it seems whenever I'm with my other friends, we always have something to do. Hence, no board games.  I do believe that my soon-to-be roommate enjoys them, so playing them more frequently is almost assured. Woot.

Really, this post has no point except to exclaim that I LOVE board games. :)

Worry shatters the peace of life-- faith puts things back together.  Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  John 14:27