Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Red Vines v. Twizzlers: the age old question

My absence the past couple days was due to my very fun weekend in St. Louis for Margie's wedding. I've been to a LOT of weddings and so often seen the big group of college friends that hangs out and always seems to be having such a good time. I've always wanted to be a part of that, and this weekend, I was. So many good friends were around and we didn't care how goofy or ridiculous we looked dancing...we just danced and had fun. One of my friends, however, totaled her car on the way to the reception. Fortunately everyone involved in the accident is all right (minor whiplash if anything), so there is a lot to be thankful for. But she, and the other girls in the car at the time of the accident, emerged with smiles on their faces and positive attitudes that made the evening/ day very fun. I get to have several more of those college weddings within the next couple months. Although they will all be great, the one in Mississippi is one (I think) I'm looking forward to the most.

On the way to the wedding, the people in the car and I got into a very intense discussion about twizzlers v. red vines. One guy, my friend Chris, asserted that they tasted exactly the same, to which his girlfriend and I quickly argued the opposite. I took a poll via text message, and just about everyone who has heard of red vines thinks they taste completely different. The send arm of the poll was to see which people preferred: twizzlers won 11-6 (or something like that). My personal preference is Red Vines, and I will continue to eat them despite general opinion.

Last thought for this update: I saw a guy in the class below me last night who is working at the attorney general's office over the summer as an intern. He told me they have my office all set up and ready to go! I don't start work until August 14, but it's very nice to know that they are greatly anticipating my arrival. However, this just adds to the pressure to pass the bar...as if there was none before... :)