Friday, June 27, 2008

And I was runn-ing!

Today was the day: the first day in 6 weeks I have put my feet to the pavement and taken off running.  I ran the Lawrence Half-marathon in April, and as a result of my training, suffered a very minor stress fracture.  I went to the doctor and he told me to stay off of it for 6-8 weeks. Because I got booted off of my parent's insurance and only have "major medical" coverage, I haven't been able to go back to the doctor (unless I want to pay for the entire visit...probably close to $300 or more if you count in the x-ray they would have to take). That being said, I haven't gone back. But it's been 8 weeks since the race and 6 weeks since the doctors appointment, so I self-diagnosed myself as "healthy" again.  I ran about 3.25 miles in 30 minutes.  Not too bad, but I will definitely aim to improve that. :)

Last night I got to play games again!  My friends and I gathered for a rousing rendition of "Scategories", probably my favorite game (which shouldn't be too surprising considering my soon-to-be profession and how you spent a lot of the time playing advocating that your answer fits the category).  I made some brownies to share with everyone, but much to my dismay, my box of Betty Crocker Fudge Brownies turned out to be Betty Crocker chocolate cake!  EEK!  I've drafted a letter which I intend to send them asking for a refund of my money because they have breached the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose in not supplying me the correct mix.  We'll see what happens with that.... :)

It's 9:30 on a Friday night, and I'm off to bed. Lame? Yes. Necessary? Yes. How it will feel: AWESOME.