Dear Family and Friends:
I’ll put this out there at the beginning: this is a fundraising letter. There, now there is no question. But I implore you to continue reading and find out exactly why I’m soliciting you.
Many of you know that this year, I’ve been taking one picture every day and posting it on a blog. This is an effort to develop my photography skills and really get into a hobby I grow to love more with every shot. Many of you also know that I enjoy being very active. In recent years that has come to mean running. In 2007 and 2008 I completed half-marathons. I’ve now finally set my sights on a marathon: the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. in October 2009. While the training will be an arduous 24-week schedule for me (3 weeks and 57 miles already complete!), I realize that what I will be enduring is nothing to the pain that many people suffer on a daily basis due to chronic illness. That is why I’ve chosen to run to benefit St. Jude’s Children Hospital.
So, I’m combining two of my favorite things, running and photography, and asking you to help me reach my goal of $1,500 ($1,000 to St. Jude’s and $500 to cover travel expenses. Any funds earned above the cost of expenses will go to St. Jude.). There are several different ways we can work together to raise money for some worthy kids.
Option One: Make a donation, get a picture
The option is what it says…make a donation, get a picture! I’m not talking some dinky 4x6. For a $20 donation, I will make you a 5 x 7 print of any of my pictures of your choosing! $35 will earn you an 8 x 10. If you’re looking for something bigger…let me know! The prints will be made with professional quality ink and paper.
We’re about half way through the picture-a-day venture. While that’s a lot of pictures, its not enough to suit everyone’s tastes. If you have a suggestion or want a particular something captured, I’ll do my best to seek it out. All I need are ideas!
Option Two: Photo shoot!
Don’t see something you like in my collection? Or want your house or child photographed? I will come to your location of choosing (within reason, of course) and shoot you (with a camera) or any object of your choosing, touch up the photos, and provide you with a copy of the disc. For a $50 donation, I’ll guarantee you 15 pictures. A $75 donation will get you 25 pictures with 10 touched up. If you want more, we’ll talk!
Links to my photo gallery and fundraising page are below.
St. Jude Children’s Hospital is an amazing place. No family is ever turned away from St. Jude because of their inability to pay. Survival rates for many cancer varieties have soared since the hospital opened its doors. Just $40 will cover a platelet count, and $50 will cover the costs for a complete blood count.
As of the date of this letter, I’m already on $150 on the way to reaching my goal, and that’s just through 5 small donations. I know things are tight in this time of economic troubles. I simply ask you to give what you can and support this undoubtedly worthy cause.
Pax Christi,
P.S. If you’re in Washington on October 25, come watch me run! Or if you’re not able to make it, watch my progress (via GPS technology in my timing chip) on the internet!