Despite Pete's inability to play (because of his recent knee surgery), we ventured out to the softball park tonight to support his team. While the boys were lamenting one of their only losses of the season over some cold beer in the parking lot, I wandered off to find something that would work for my picture of the day. And voila!
When I first snapped this picture, I underestimated its value. But, as I have learned time and time again, you can't judge a picture by the image you see on the tiny screen on the back of your camera. When I uploaded the picture I thought I was going to use, it ended up being blury. This picture, which I thought would be blury simply because of the "long" shutter speed, was actually clear. Then all I needed was a little bit of color adjustment to bring out the shadows, a bit of cropping to emphasize the pattern, and that was it! Enjoy today's picture of the day!