Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day One Hundred and Eighty One: In the Shadows of Something Great

Pete and I went to see the Twins play the Royals tonight over at the New K.  As expected, we had a picture fest. :)  A Kauffman Stadium highlight has always been the fountains lining the outfield. There aren't nearly as many as there were before, but the fountains that are there are somehow cooler than before: there are seats built around the fountains, you can stand behind them to watch the game, and probably pay a premium to sit "underneath" them in hopes of catching  home run.

Lining the area where you can stand to watch the game (and "ask" the fountains to pop up in between each half inning as a nice transition), they have iron cast figures of great Royals players.  This one of George Brett aligned perfectly with the sun and the new fountains to give me this awesome shot. I love it.

The new K is quite nice and I highly recommend you make a visit there.  There are new amenities that make me wonder how we could have possibly considered the old K a stadium.  I mean, who DOESN'T have a carousel, or a mini-golf course, or a mini-baseball field where kiddos can make their way to the plate in hopes of hitting a home run.  This guy, however, is going to need another chance.

Here's another view of the George Brett statute with the K in the background. It's pretty nice, too.

Since we didn't end up having to pay for tickets (some good Samaritan gave us two free tickets when we were in line to purchase ours) we'll probably have to head back sometime soon.  And maybe this time we'll have to leave the camera at home and actually root for the Royals.  They need any crowd support they can get. :)