Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day One Hundred and Sixty-Seven: 'shrooms

Although Pete and I are headed out into the great blue yonder tomorrow afternoon, this photo was taken anywhere but the "great" outdoors. In fact, these mushrooms are growing in my front yard. This morning when I took Lucy out to go potty at around 6:30 a.m., these mushrooms were just little babies. In fact, when I first noticed "something" in the lawn, they looked like a minature snowman. (Obviously when I got closer -- to see what Lucy was trying to eat--, I realized what they actually were. Nevermind the fact that it was 90 degrees here today and there is no way a snowman could be in my front yard.) I thought about taking a picture at that point, but was running behind on getting ready for work and dismissed the idea.

Tonight was the ending of an era in the burger night tradition, as Brandon and Liz are moving to Ohio later this week. Because they were busy packing and live in Kansas City, we decided to take burger night to them. As a result, I didn't arrive home until about 10 p.m. When I did, I found the mushrooms had -- well, mushroomed -- and now looked like this. They were now too cool not to take a picture of at this point (and I didn't have my picture of the day yet), so I set up the shot and came out with this!

In some ways, I wish I would have taken a picture in the morning and gotten this one at night so I could illustrate to you just how much these mushrooms grew in a period of about 15-ish hours. Nevertheless, I'm really happy with this photo and really like the dark, mildly ominous background and shawdows. It also reminds me a little bit of a super close view of the mushrooms from the Mario Bros games, (which -IMHO- itself makes this picture awesome). (Side note: if you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, there is a sweet application called "World 9" where, whenever you "jump" or shake the iPod/Phone, it makes the jumping sound from Mario Brothers. IT costs $0.99, but it's well worht the investment.)

As you may have guessed, my comment about heading off into the wild blue yonder above means it's time for Pete and me to head to Colordao for vacation (woot!). It is highly unlikely I will be posting upates on my regular schedule, but I hope that we can use Pete's iPhone to take some pictures of the beautiful Rocky Mountains and post them while we're out there and make you drool. Check back every once in a while to see what we're up to! If not, see you on Monday!