Today's picture, although I wouldn't quite call it the most beautiful shot I've ever snapped, is probably one of my favorites. At first glance, it appears that this is actually two pictures which seemingly have nothing to do with each other merged together to create some sort of cohesive whole. But do not be fooled, my friends. This is just one picture.
Pete and I went to the library last night to check out some books on photography (there is nothing more helpful in expanding your creative potential than seeing other peoples' work and getting ideas from them). Of course, we don't go anywhere without a camera of some sorts, and both Pete and I found our pictures of the day at the library. (Check his out...very "Music Man" esque.) I took this picture looking out the north-facing window of the library. The sunset was making the tree sparkle, and my thought was to get a picture of that. Then I thought "what about taking a picture of the street with the sparkling tree and the library building framing the shot?". When I moved to that perspective, I noticed the reflection of this girl reading in the glass made possible by the solid background of both the library building and the tree. The end result is that you get an idea of the things that are happening both inside and outside of the library at the same time. I know it's no Ansel Adams, but even Ansel had to get his start somewhere. :)