Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day One Hundred and Seventy-Six: Typical Lawrence

This is Lawrence.  Establishments like the Bourgeois Pig-- half bohemian coffee house, half regular ole' bar-- are what gives Lawrence its flavor.  Sure Lawrence is a pretty typical town in most aspects: we have a Target, two Wal-Marts, a bunch of grocery stores, banks, and parks.  Fat people, skinny people, old people, young people, white people, black people, people who don't know which way is up, and people who are some of the smartest (seriously) in the whole world.  But what makes Lawrence wonderful is that all these people can live together.  Preps and jocks, potheads and the religious right (okay, probably not that right) can all venture up and down Mass street, turn the corner and stop in the Bourgeois Pig and enjoy themselves.  Typical Lawrence is even more wonderful in the summertime when the transients (a.k.a college students) have left our town to be itself and all that it is.  People are out and about, sitting inside and taking in the fresh air, and stopping to enjoy life. Yes. That's Lawrence.

Someday I'll probably move away from here.  In a way I'm anxious to do so, but somewhere deep inside wants to stay for quite a long time.  I'm not sure what the future will bring, but for right now, I'm happy just to be in "typical" old Lawrence.