Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What are they doing? A spoof on a spoof?

The past couple of days have been pretty lax. I finished another part of the STM tour. This time I went to the area of town where he was born, went to school, and studied law (on the left). It was kind of a bust...the plaque commemorating the approximate spot of where his house was was hidden under construction, the church he went to was closed, and you couldn't see the school he went to couldn't be seen from the street. I also thought it was a lot closer than it was, so I got an unexpected tour of another side of London as well. Shoot. I was able to help my roommates find a bar they were going to because I had just been on the street....that one element saves the walk from being a total bust.

My friend Andrew also showed up in London last night. When I say showed up, I don't mean unexpectedly. He's also studying here this semester, and because he's studying at one of the British Universities, he hasn't started yet. Last night was his first night here, and it was again great to have someone around that I know well. We went for a drink and caught up on his travels around Greece and Italy, and my happenings here in London. Hopefully I'll get to see him a fair amount this semester as I don't often get to back in the states.

Today was lax...class...run...job search. Anyone want to write cover letters for me? PLEASE? I left the cover letter writing session to enjoy a Spanish Tapas restaurant. It was very yummy albeit a little expensive. Still..lamb in honey sauce type stuff = awesome.