Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I still feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be, but don't forget to remember me.

I don't really have anything to report except that life is normal and fairly static right now. Monday I slept in, went running, and didn't really do a whole lot. I did, however, venture to a store at the end of Oxford Street (the main shopping street in London) called "Primark" that apparently has really cheap clothes. That rumor turned out to be true. Primark HUGE department like store that has cheap CHEAP stuff; I got a plain long sleeve t-shirt for £2 ($4)...something that would cost me $16.50 at Gap. And cheap doesn't necessarily mean cheap quality...I got a couple of t-shirts that are pretty good quality. Because clothes were so cheap, EVERYONE knew about this place...seriously...I would equate it to the atmosphere you find day after Thanksgiving at US malls. People weren't nice about what they did with the stuff they looked at and didn't want; they just threw stuff back on the tables and continued on. Then, once you found something you liked, you waited in cue (line) for at least 10 minutes despite the fact they have multiple cues of at least 12 registers each. I did end up getting a couple t-shirts because I'm still afraid I don't have enough warm clothes, and I'll probably end up going back in a week or two...they way they move through clothes, everything on the shelves will be new. :)

As I was leaving Primark, I noticed I had 10 missed phone calls: Kristen was at my flat. I thought she was coming again on Tuesday, but apparently I was wrong. So I spent Monday night hanging out with her. When I thought she was coming on Tuesday, we were going to spend the afternoon wandering around London looking for Harry Potter sites, but since she came a day early, my list of Harry Potter sites wasn't ready and I was tired from running previously that day and walked to Primark (probably a 3 mile round-trip). Oops. Kristen is still in London, and hopefully we'll get to see each other on Sunday, and maybe do the Harry Potter tour then. :)