Saturday, September 22, 2007

I tabbed my map book, and it's beautiful.

Remember how I asked you to pray that I wouldn't get sick? Well, pray harder! I'm pretty sure that I'm coming down with whatever my roommates had. This morning I got up at 7:30 to go to a market (which I'll talk about below), and when I got home at noon, I was exhausted and had to take a 2 hour nap. (Background information: I NEVER take naps..and I often get up that early to do stuff. I'm one of the odd balls that really likes mornings. I think I get it from my mom...) After my nap got up, went running, was only able to run 1.9 miles, and had to come home. Now it's 9:11 p.m. on a Saturday night and I'm exhausted, despite the fact I got 8 hours of sleep last night and had a 2 hour nap this afternoon. Now, I'm no doctor, but I think that means I'm fighting something. Grrrrr....

Okay, now about that market. Val and I went to the Portobello Road Market in Notting Hill. Its the same market you see a couple times in the movie Notting Hill. And just like the movie, it's incredibly charming. When you first get there, it starts as an antique market where you can find almost anything you want. I'm not much of an antique person, but it was still fun to look and see all the fun old stuff. There was also a lot of jewelry for sale and it reminded me of digging through my Grandma's Jewelry box when I was little to see what fun things I could find to dress up in. After you get through the antique part, it turns into a food market. And this food is fresh and delicious and cheap. I got a lot of really yummy food..some of which I haven't had since I came to London because they are just so expensive (grapes). I also found POPCORN which I will be popping within the next couple days. After the food market, it turns into a market like the one I went to last Sunday, so Val and I didn't spend a whole lot of time there. I didn't get anything other than the food, but Val found a couple of cool glass pieces. I have a couple of pictures of Portobello Road, but I haven't uploaded them yet, and since there will be picture taking tomorrow, I'll upload them later.

I'm gonna head to bed. My friend Kristen is still in town and I"m meeting her tomorrow (the last time for a while) for mass at a church that is supposed to be really cool. Then we're going to be nerdy catholics/ I'm going to be a nerdy law student and find a bunch of the sites where St. Thomas More (the man for all seasons) lived and worked around London. Hopefully I won't get too exhausted before we get most of them in. I'll fill you in on more about STM tomorrow when I have pictures to go along with it. :)