Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sainsbury's Sparkling Water is my new discovery and obsession.

It's amazing that going somewhere and being anxious and excited to come "home" to London will do for your homesickness. In saying that, I mean it helped. It helped me to solidify that London is home for the next 3 months (yes, it's almost already been a month). But, with Friday being my birthday, I'm not sure the feeling will last for long.

Another thing that is helping is having my friend Kristen around. She and her cousin have been traveling around Spain the past two weeks before their study abroad programs started. Both she and he stayed with me last night, and Kristen is here tonight before she leaves for Ireland tomorrow (more so in about 4 hours at 2:30 a.m.). She'll be back again next week, and then her program finally starts next week. Last night the three of us just wandered around London and observed a lot of things. We just sat along a building in Piccadilly Circus for a while and observed things, and then sat in the breast of one of the giant lions in Trafalgar Square with Big Ben in the background. It was spectacular and I really wish I had my camera with me.

I had class (literally) for 8 hours today, so Kristen and I didn't get to do a whole lot, but tonight we finally just got a chance to hang out and talk. It's so nice to have her here (I know I already said that). I really enjoy the people that are in my program, but it's just nice to be with someone you already have a history with and know that you have more in common with than being law students in London.

Here is a link to my pictures from Ireland. I don't have enough storage via my picassa account to post a whole lot more there, so I'm going to hvae to find an alternative. (I think this is it.) It will ask you to log in when you click on the link, but you don't have to. Look toward the top to the button that says "play slideshow" and you can avoid that whole mess. (BUT...if you find any of my pictures absolutely beautiful [yeah...] and you want a copy for yourself, if you create an account, you can log in and print it.) Enjoy! Ireland Pictures