Sunday, September 16, 2007

I'll hold you upside down by your ankles so you can do your duty over the side of the bridge. That's not akward at all!

Today was a really fun, but really exhausting day. This morning I went to this amazing and super huge market in a borough north of where I live called Camden Town. Although it's open all weekend, Sunday is the big day for this market. You can find almost anything you wan there...from clothes to shoes to food to antiques to random things you never thought you could find anywhere else. I saw t-shirts there with some fairly inappropriate sayings that would never have even come to my mind had I not read them. It also brings a diverse group of people; I've never seen so many pink colored mohawks, black leather coats, and platform shoes as I did today. It was certainly an educational experience. I spent about 3 1/2 hours there (there really is that much to look at...and I didn't even go in every stall nor spend lots of time in most of them). For being there that length of time, I feel pretty good in saying I only spent £9: £3 on me, £3 on a present, and £3 for a delicious banana and nutella crepe whose remnants are still lingering on my taste buds. (A short aside here for those of you who don't know what nutella is. Basically, it's chocolate with a hint of hazelnut that is in a spreadable form like peanut butter. Europeans eat it like we eat peanut butter, although there is absolutely no nutritional value to it at all. They do make and sell it in the states, but there the hazelnut flavor is much more pronounced....but still delicious. If you want to know the heaven I'm talking about, go out and get yourself a jar of nutella-- it's usually stocked near the peanut butters. Although its different, the jar won't stay on your shelf for's that good.)

This weekend was also the Thames River Festival. I'm still not quite sure what they were celebrating, but Londoners like to celebrate for any reason, or no reason at all, and for that, we get some fun festivals. This one was aimed more for families and kids than the Notting Hill Carnival, but was still very fun. By the name of it, I hope you can tell it was situated along the Thames River. It was standard carnival fare...little booths selling brick-a-brac and other souvineers. And oh yeah..the food. YUM. We went down there for the dinner hour, and some of us stayed to watch the lighted parade and fireworks over the Thames. It was a really cool thing to do, and although it was also cool temperature wise (okay, it was downright cold because of a nasty wind that was blowing), it was a lot of fun. I took some pictures, but haven't had a chance to upload them yet. (Sorry!)

I feel like there was one more thing I was going to write about, but I can't quite remember at this point. Because of that, I will bid you adieu until we meet again!