Monday, August 31, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Three: Angel of Prayer

I received this Willow Tree angel--the one and only type of collectable I collect--from a friend who has often been my angel of prayer. Tonight, it was my inspiration and again a reminder of where to turn when things get stressful.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Forty-Two: One Hand

Tonight, Pete and I were sitting in the church saying some follow-up prayers. I was stressed from everything that's going on, and he offered to let me use one of his picture ideas. We continued to pray and then sat there for a while with each other just holding hands. At the same moment, we looked down at our hands and, based on the the picture idea he was offered, both discovered a variation on that idea that would be a great picture. The wonderful guy let me use it, and now here it is for you!

In March, I took a different picture of our hands and shared it with you. Today, you can physically see how our relationship has evolved with the shiny band around my finger. Pretty soon, they'll be one around his, too. I can't wait.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Forty-One: Light Bright

Tonight, I'm at home for my Dad's surprise 50th birthday party. (Don't worry, the surprise already happened so I'm not ruining anything!) After being greeted by a whole host of friends and family, we had a delightful party. These lights were brought outside to illuminate the evening and keep the fun going. And with some ping pong balls, a table, and a little bit of Coors Light, boy, it will certainly be a night we remember for a long time. Happy Birthday, Dad! We love you!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Forty: The Capitol- part three

Summer in Kansas' capitol city means construction, construction, construction! Fortunately, on days like this, the bright blue sky and sun take our eyes up and away from all the mess. If only we didn't have to walk around it all the time...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine: Lucy Lucy Poo

Lucy always seems to come through for me when it's late and night and I don't yet have a picture for the day. Again tonight, she didn't disappoint. Thanks, Lu!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight: Pendleton Farms

Tonight, I went out to Pendleton Farms to talk with them about doing the flowers for our wedding. Karen Pendleton worked hard to fit me into her schedule for the evening, working around her own personal plans. While I was waiting for her to arrive back at the farm, I got to poke around and take some pictures. I hope you enjoy them!
And P.S. I would definitely recommend a personal visit out to Pendleton is a nice treat!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven: Light Show

What do you get when you cross sparklers, an SLR camera with time elapse, and two Jayhawk fans? This wicked awesome picture.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Six: Peaches!

Jennifer went home this past weekend and returned with a big box of peaches. They were the perfect subject for tonight's picture. I hope they taste just as good!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Five: Lawn Games

BBQ. Beer. Bocce. Life is great.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Four: The Hills

Tonight, Pete and I went out to The Hill's. No, no. We didn't take a weekend trip to California. Rather, we went south of town about 20 minutes to our friend Jeff Hill's house. Jeff asked Pete and I to come out to his house and take some pictures of him, his sisters, and their pets that they could give to their parents as an anniversary present.

We met Julie, Jeff, and Jessica at about 7 p.m. and spent about an hour snapping pictures. Although there is currently a little hostility between the family pets (Jack doesn't quite get along with Max, Zazu, and Lola), the Hills themselves were wonderful to work with; they did whatever these amateur photographers told them to do, and came up with some fun ideas of their own, including the one above.

You'll notice that my "copyright" on this picture is for "P&E Photography". That's because Pete and I really did work together to get this shot. I was trying to get the Hills jumping from this angle, and Pete was working another. He had, however, decided to use a flash, and that flash went off at the very moment they were jumping and illuminated Julie, Jeff, and Jess just perfectly.

I haven't had time to go through the more than 300 photos that resulted from the photo shoot, but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks, Jeff, Jess, and Julie for being the subjects of our first commissioned photo shoot!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Three: Focus!

One of the keys to taking pictures is making sure the subject of your shot is in focus. That is unless, of course, you intend for your shot to be out of focus. God has provided the Lawrence area with some amazing sunsets over the past couple of days, and tonight I attempted to capture that sunset. But being in the middle of town doesn't really make for a nice, relaxing "ahh" sunset picture; telephone wires, cars, stop lights, and buildings all get in the way of the day's grand finish. Knowing this, I decided to turn the auto focus off, make the shot as out of focus as possible, and hit the shutter button. The result is what you see above. I like it because I think you get the feel of the city (all the red and white dots at the bottom of the picture) while still soaking in the colors of the sunset.

Fortunately, I wouldn't have to travel far to get the sunset picture that I wanted. Unfortunately, there wasn't time for that tonight. But, I think this picture shows that there are plenty of good sunsets even in the city.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Two: Remembering Minty Peas

Tonight I gave my bedroom a nice dusting and, in the process, was reacquainted with my wire statutes of world landmarks. The two year anniversary of when I left for London was just this week--August 16--(yes, I keep track of that...), and in honor of that occasion I decided to take a picture of my wire Big Ben. There isn't a whole lot more to it than that, but I really like how our red pepper wall and the warm lights of the lamp give Ben some color.

Someday I will get back to those Brits, but until then, I'll think of my four months there fondly, and enjoy my wire Big Ben.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-One: Pearls and Pinstripes

I love pearls, and believe that they are probably one of the most versatile and time tested pieces of jewelry. They can make nearly any outfit look dressy and elegant. They are nearly always fashionable, you rarely go wrong wearing them, and even the cheap ones look pretty decent. So, when I didn't have a picture tonight and my string of $10 pearls was laying on my bed (after I wore them today), I thought the necklace's versatility would provide a nice picture, and I was right. (I also wanted to take this picture because I feel it's a very wedding-ish picture, and I'm practicing up as often as possible for Erica's wedding.) Modify the colors a bit and you have a picture that is classic, yet modern, trendy, and chic all at the same time. Thank you, oh strand of pearls, once again for your ever faithful service.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty: To everything, there is a season

Right now, the world looks like this....

Pretty soon, the world will start to look like this....

And then eventually, like this.

And I can't wait!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Nine: Home Accents

Have you ever purchased something that you think is just really cool and would look really neat in your house? Sure, it might take a little bit of decor adjustment, but you really like the item and are willing to put some work into it. But before you know it, life happens, and not only does your house look exactly the same, the object that you love is awkwardly sitting somewhere on a table; it doesn't match anything else in the room, but you love it and you bought it, so you feel like you have to display it somehow, somewhere.

Well, that's the situation with this little guy. It's actually a three piece "dish" thingy set. I got it from Target a couple of years ago and thought it was just wonderful. But about three years and two houses later, it is sitting on my windowsill with the blinds hovering on top of it because I just don't know what else to do with it. I still really like it, but I guess I don't yet have a place of my own (other than my teeny tiny bedroom) where I can transform the piece from an obligatory paperweight to a focal point.

Maybe someday when this little girl grows up and plays "house" for real, she'll be able to use the dish set thingy how it's supposed to be used. Until then, it certainly makes my windowsill look nice.

P.S. When Pete read my entry from yesterday, he said it sounded like something my Dad would write. For the last 15 years or so, my Dad has written a bi-weekly column for the local paper. He takes real-life family situations and turns them into small business "lessons." Although my "insight" yesterday wasn't directly focused on small business, I suppose it could be taken that way. Then again, many of the small business things he pulls out of our daily lives could certainly use broader incorporation back into that daily life. Regardless, if you're interested in reading one of my Dad's articles, they are available here. (The last two are about Pete and I, so you'll find someone familiar right away!) Enjoy!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight: One fish, two fish

Tonight, Pete, Jennifer, and I were sitting at the kitchen table playing what is probably the most wonderful game ever made: Bananagrams. As I added one more tally under my "win" heading (which is at least 30 tallies shy of the number in Pete's "win" category), I noticed the fish in my water bottle. You see, the two fish you see here is actually just one fish. (Take a second to sit down and catch your breath if this just blows your mind....) Since I didn't yet have a picture of the day, I decided to see if could capture the reflection effect of the water with my camera. Lo and behold, it worked!

My insight for today: if you're having trouble with something, try and look at it from a new angle. The problem may divide into more manageable pieces, or simply not be as problematic as you first thought. (I'm not sure why I decided to go all "Dr. Phil" on you there, but sometimes, I just can't control what comes out of my fingers.)

Thanks to you, oh "smart water" water bottle. You certainly lived up to your name.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven: Coming Home

Our little project here has spurred many of our viewers to ask us to take pictures for other events. Tonight was one of those nights; the St. Lawrence community celebrated Msgr. Vince Krische's retirement, and we were asked to be the "official" photographer for the event. The St. Lawrence Center as we know it today was built through the vision of Fr. Vince. For the past 5 years or so, he's been a pastor at a church in Overland Park. But now that he has reached retirement age, he has chosen to come back to St. Lawrence and be an associate pastor here.

Although I never got the opportunity to meet him prior to this evening, the love for this man of God is clear in every person who is lucky enough to have crossed paths with him. He is the priest that baptized and gave Pete his first communion, and will hopefully celebrate our marriage with us; he has inspired countless others to live lives of virtue for God. If you want something tangible, just try and count the number of people who showed up to his retirement celebration mass and party this evening.

In all this excitement, however, it is clear that the work of the Lord caused each and every smile, bit of laughter, and tear of joy. It is in the sharing blood and body of our Lord and remembering the sacrifice that He made for each one of us that is the driving force for our lives, and Fr. Vince's work at the center. I know that he will be able to communicate the love of the Lord to hundreds of thousands of people to come.

This hope is clearly reflected in the faces of the children that attended the party tonight. Maybe my photographic "calling" is in child portraiture....what do you think? (Click on any of the pictures to see them larger.)


I'm about two weeks late, but I finally have the pictures from the Haack family reunion in Wisconsin. Follow the links below to check out the fun!

Day Two Hundred and Eleven

Day Two Hundred and Twelve

Day Two Hundred and Thirteen

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day Two-Hundred and Twenty-Six: Poochy Party!

Tonight was Lucy's birthday party. And it was awesome. We (I) made her a cake, danced to the traditional Friedman Family birthday song (The Birthday Waltz as sung by Sharon, Lois, and Bram), and had some friends over for burgers and beer (yes, both Lucy and Farley got some of the former...but none of the later...Lucy is not yet 21). Along with the birthday hat you saw in the "special edition", I received this 1st birthday gear from our friends Sarah and Brandon, whose daughter just turned one a couple of weeks ago. The decorations made the evening all that more wonderful in celebrating the life of a super-duper dog.

Special Edition: It's my Birthday

My beloved Lucy turns one (or seven in dog years) today! Happy Birthday, Lu!

Check out here latest "Marley-like" feats, however, on Wednesday's post.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Five: Ribbit Ribbit

After a stressful day for the both of us, Pete and I decided to take a short walk with the dogs this evening. We crossed the train tracks and discovered this little guy. Despite a few attempts to get away , we were able to get him home and in front of the camera. He doesn't look to happy to be there...

Maybe THAT'S why he peed on Pete...twice.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Four: Terrible Twos

Lucy turns one (or seven, if you're counting in dog years) on Friday, but that doesn't mean she's skipped over the terrible twos. In fact, the past couple of days have been some of her craziest. Here is a brief summary:

  • Taking everything out of the garbage can, including all the Lucy hair I had vacuumed up the night before.
  • Eating a spatula
  • Eating old mini-peaches
  • Eating a tupperware bowl.
  • Pooping in my car
  • Pooping in her kennel
  • Waking up at 4:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom (at least she didn't poop on my bed)
  • Being generally disobedient
  • Chasing her tail

And her latest: scratching up these Diet Coke cans. (Fortunately, none of the popped.) I love my dog, but it's a good thing she's so darn cute because, if she wasn't, I might have thrown her out on the street by now. Okay, not really.... :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Three: Where the Green Grass Grows

Summertime in the Midwest. Enough Said. :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-Two: Sisterly Love

If there is one set of sisters that has had the largest impact on my life in Lawrence, without a doubt, it's the Meitl sisters. I met both Jennifer and Rhonda my first year in Lawrence, and hung out sporadically with mostly Jennifer. During that time, we learned that we are very much so "kindred spirits"; although we have very different personalities, we love people and often have the same positive perspective on things.

Jennifer then went away to grad school at Oregon State and Rhonda was left at KU by herself. Somehow (to my benefit), I became her pseudo sister, making sure she was doing all right and standing in for Jennifer when Rhonda needed a hug or a laugh. Rhonda and I studied abroad at the same time, and got to do a fair amount of traveling and sightseeing together. After we got home, we inadvertently formed an "American Idol" watching posse.

This year, I got them BOTH: Jennifer as my roommate, and Rhonda in her senior year. It was fun to see them together, and to get to know them as a "family." Rhonda's life after college is taking her to Baltimore where she will nanny for a while, and tonight, we bid her
adieu with
some cheap and delicious Free State beers. Before Pete and I made our way to the restaurant, I received a text message asking me to bring my camera to get a picture of the Meitl sisters. In return, I was promised a donation to my marathon fundraising, but more importantly I could use them as my photo of the day.

I feel like these pictures capture their personalities perfectly: goofy and quirky, but incredible friends and sisters for each other. I've been very blessed to have the Meitls in my life, and hope that I have even given them a portion of what they've given me. Maybe these pictures are a start...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty-One: Signs in the Sky

While this picture certainly wasn't taken last minute (as I discussed yesterday), I can't say it's one of my best. But, this downtown Lawrence eatery has welcomed many a people in its day. It's know for-- as the sign says-- its wings. Jefferson's the token "dollar bills on the wall" restaurant in town. Despite my shotty photography job, I encourage you to get a bite to eat at Jefferson's the next time you're in town.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Twenty: Big Girls Don't Cry

It would be interesting to go back through my pictures and see which ones I took while out and about during the day, and which ones were last minute. This onion sprouting green shoots falls into the latter category. But, for as boring as an onion could be, this one turned out pretty okay. I hope you enjoy it, too!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Nineteen: Fireworks Friday!

Tonight, Pete and I once again had the chance to go to a Royals game. And once again, we got to go for free (thanks Sarah and Brandon for inviting us!). But this time, Sarah and Brandon had the hook-up with seats in the 10th row from the field. From such awesome seats, all I needed was the telephoto lends and some good timing in order to get a great picture. Judging from the shot you see above, I think you could say things worked out in my favor.

And since it was Friday, fireworks followed the game. Unfortunately, the fireworks weren't celebrating a victory...the Royals lost to the A's by 4.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Eighteen: Laughter

Pete and I were recently hired to shoot our first wedding. (Apparently my paralegal Erica has an insane amount of trust in our abilities....woah! Quite the responsibility...and honor.) As a result, I've been trying to take many more pictures of people to prepare myself to take the best pictures I possibly can on her big day. Last night when Pete and I reunited with 9 of my (and now his, too) good friends, I knew there would be a good opportunity to capture some Kodak moments.

This is my friend John. (He made his first appearance on my blog way back in February.) He was one of my first friends in Lawrence, and today, I consider him, Chris, Holly, Bobbi, Jennifer, Shanna, Richard, Isham, Amy, Tim, and Heather (Pete, too, of course! But that goes without saying) to be some of my best friends. We haven't been all together since we traveled to Mississippi for Tim and Heather's wedding (they were, unfortunately absent last night, but that's because they still live in Mississippi) in November, but it was like no time had passed at all. That's when you truly know you have the best friends in the world.

Eight of the eleven people at the table last night were engaged, so we know will once again be together (Tim and Heather included for at one of them!) in September, October, February, and May. Although we could use the laughter and warm fuzzies the evening brought on a more regular basis, just knowing that that group is out there is more than enough.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Seventeen: Welcome Signs

As a direct result of this project, I keep my eyes peeled at all times for potential photos. Sometimes when I see something, they require me to take a picture immediately to capture the event. And then there are other times you see things and put it in your "back pocket" for a day when nothing else comes up. Yesterday, I decided to pull one of those picture ideas out of that pocket and share it with the world.

This sign greets the people who arrive at the Lawrence Amtrak station, very near Pete's house. It's nothing impressive; the foot high blue letters have holes where the lightbulbs illuminating the sign used to be. It is likely it hasn't been painted for years. It speaks of an era nearly washed away, but still holding on by its teeth. Yet somehow, its very modern, trendy, and chic.

Whatever it is, or your interpretation of it, the sign serves still does its job in welcoming people to Lawrence twice daily.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Sixteen: Summer Spray

For only the second time in the 216 days of this project (or at least as far as I can remember), I snapped my photo of the day in just one shot. Pete and I pulled up to Walgreens tonight, saw the sprinklers on, and thought that it would be a good photo of the day. We were right! After just one lucky shot, I walked away happy, and even avoided getting sprayed with that very water by Pete.

One of the coolest things about this project has been to find pictures like this in unexpected places. I know I've mentioned it before, but the new perspective is something I cherish a lot. I can't say that that's happened in a while, but today, I feel like I've redeemed myself. Here's to summer sprinklers!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Fifteen: Step by Step

As of last Sunday, I am officially half way through my marathon training. In the first 12 weeks, I have blazed 255.6 miles. These last 12 weeks are going to be harder: the 20-miler lies before me in about 8 weeks, and of course, the "training" culminates with the 26.2 miles on October 25. There have been ups and downs; good runs and bad runs; sun, heat, cold, and rain. There are points where I want to quit. But I must keep pressing on. Even when I don't think I can go anymore, I must.

Truthfully, I've been so worn out by the combination of training, wedding planning, and simply life that my excitement about running has dwindled in the past couple weeks. But, people are counting on me. People have donated money to a charity because they believe in the charity's work, but in me as well. And that thought, along with simply being thankful that God has given the opportunity to run every step, keeps me going.

These yellow shoes will physically take me there. This bleeding heart and thankful soul will get me through.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Fourteen: Rivet Rivet

Today on the way back from Pete's family reunion, we were stopped by some traditional summer road construction in southern Minnesota. As our car slowed and eventually stopped, we realized it was a good opportunity to get some pictures that you usually can't capture (being good drivers and all). We were in the right lane and I was in the passenger seat, and these rivets were the most obvious "thing" to capture from that vantage it. And so capture it I did. Enjoy (and I'll let you know when I'm updated...look forward to some wet and wild tubing pictures).

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirteen: Catch a Wave and You're Sitting on Top of the World

Pete's brother Jim and his family live on Rice Lake, Wisconsin. (Okay, they don't actually live ON the lake, but you know what I mean). Despite it being a rather cool day, the Haack family decided to take the boat and tube out on the water to have some fun. I didn't partake in the water sports ( was cold!), I did ride along in the boat and snap some fun pictures; the evolution of Pete's face with the waves is particularly enjoyable. The picture above is the one I'm using for today's "picture of the day" because of the rainbow that appears in the reflection of the sun on the water. It's even more appropriate when you know that Michael, Pete's nephew tubing with him, is one of the Hawaii Haacks.

Above: Pete and his nephew Gary, obviously having a good time.
Below: Susan and Kyra hit the water after the boys.

Crocs: Love them or hate them, I really enjoy this picture.

Yeah for a good time with the entire Haack family at Rice Lake!