Monday, August 3, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Fifteen: Step by Step

As of last Sunday, I am officially half way through my marathon training. In the first 12 weeks, I have blazed 255.6 miles. These last 12 weeks are going to be harder: the 20-miler lies before me in about 8 weeks, and of course, the "training" culminates with the 26.2 miles on October 25. There have been ups and downs; good runs and bad runs; sun, heat, cold, and rain. There are points where I want to quit. But I must keep pressing on. Even when I don't think I can go anymore, I must.

Truthfully, I've been so worn out by the combination of training, wedding planning, and simply life that my excitement about running has dwindled in the past couple weeks. But, people are counting on me. People have donated money to a charity because they believe in the charity's work, but in me as well. And that thought, along with simply being thankful that God has given the opportunity to run every step, keeps me going.

These yellow shoes will physically take me there. This bleeding heart and thankful soul will get me through.