Friday, August 21, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Thirty-Three: Focus!

One of the keys to taking pictures is making sure the subject of your shot is in focus. That is unless, of course, you intend for your shot to be out of focus. God has provided the Lawrence area with some amazing sunsets over the past couple of days, and tonight I attempted to capture that sunset. But being in the middle of town doesn't really make for a nice, relaxing "ahh" sunset picture; telephone wires, cars, stop lights, and buildings all get in the way of the day's grand finish. Knowing this, I decided to turn the auto focus off, make the shot as out of focus as possible, and hit the shutter button. The result is what you see above. I like it because I think you get the feel of the city (all the red and white dots at the bottom of the picture) while still soaking in the colors of the sunset.

Fortunately, I wouldn't have to travel far to get the sunset picture that I wanted. Unfortunately, there wasn't time for that tonight. But, I think this picture shows that there are plenty of good sunsets even in the city.