Lucy turns one (or seven, if you're counting in dog years) on Friday, but that doesn't mean she's skipped over the terrible twos. In fact, the past couple of days have been some of her craziest. Here is a brief summary:
- Taking everything out of the garbage can, including all the Lucy hair I had vacuumed up the night before.
- Eating a spatula
- Eating old mini-peaches
- Eating a tupperware bowl.
- Pooping in my car
- Pooping in her kennel
- Waking up at 4:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom (at least she didn't poop on my bed)
- Being generally disobedient
- Chasing her tail
And her latest: scratching up these Diet Coke cans. (Fortunately, none of the popped.) I love my dog, but it's a good thing she's so darn cute because, if she wasn't, I might have thrown her out on the street by now. Okay, not really.... :)