One of Pete's brothers lives in Hawaii, but was here to visit over the weekend. When they come to the mainland, one of the things they love to do is attend demolition derbies. Neither Pete nor I had ever been to one before, so we decided to head to the Bloomer (Wisconsin) County Fair with the Hawaii Haacks.
We paid the $8 to get in and waited for the excitement to begin. Sans the man sitting next to me blowing cigarette smoke directly into my face (although in hindsight, it probably made it more authentic of an experience), it was WAY FUN. For those of you who have never been, demolition derbies are like real life bumper cars; local businesses sponsor local kids (or "big kids") to fix up cars and then run them into each other until there is just one car still running.

But even though I enjoyed my time at the demolition derby, I could only take so much. So Pete and I wandered out of the grandstand and into the barns and into the carnival area.