Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Three: Platter 'o grease

A new establishment has popped up in downtown Topeka (shocker, I know). The Seabrook Bar and Grill, however, is actually not new to the town; it just moved from its previous location to this new one. As the summer is almost over, our interns are wrapping up their tenure at the AG's office, and the unit went out to "celebrate" the work of our intern, Ashley. While we often make trips to Taco Tico, we recently visited there and two trip to Taco Tico within a short period of time is just not good for anyone. So, we decided to go to Seabrook, in part because of its specialty: the three pound burger.

And three pound burger it was. Complete with a homemade bun and a mountain of fries or chips or onion rings (or some combination of the three), the burger was served on a round pizza pan. The novelty and size of the burger, combined with the "platter o' grease" served as the "side", necessitated them being today's picture of the day.

The $25 monster burger satisfied all six of us -- both in taste and quelling our hunger-- with room to spare. It's definitely a fun place to traverse as a group. But, in case you aren't able to go with a group, they do serve individual sandwiches, too. :)

(Since today's pictures weren't exactly high brow, I took these pictures on the walk to Seabrook that are slightly more artistic. Enjoy!)