Friday, July 17, 2009

Day One Hundred and Ninety-Eight: Doggles

I mentioned before that my friends Ashley and Adam were coming to town this weekend (holla!). I don't think I mentioned, however, that they were also bringing their two adorable puppies. Amongst other things, Ashley and I share a love of our puppies. Ashley was the person who introduced me to doggles: goggles for dogs who like to stick their heads out of cars. The purpose is to protect their eyes from any rocks or sticks or random pieces of trash that may pop up while driving. Plus, they are just cool.

Lucy definitely qualifies as a dog who likes to stick her head out the window, and I've long wanted a pair of doggles for her (to protect her eyes, of course). But, I have always had other places to put my money, and someone thinks they are ridiculous and anything but necessary. (That same someone, however, bought a pair of human goggles and modified them to fit Lucy. She was wearing them when that someone came to pick me up from work for our Colorado trip. :) I think he likes me. :))

Milo, Ashley's pup seen here, also likes to stick his head out the window and she has invested in a pair of doggles for him. Tonight, he gave us a fashion show, and it was awesome. All my "discretionary" funding is now being pumped into a wedding, but should I find $20 lying around somewhere, I think I know where I'll spend it. :)