Saturday, December 15, 2007

Home ---to the place where I belong (?)

This will be my last official post. I made it back safely to the states last Saturday, and I apologize for not updating sooner to just let you know I was home. The trip went smoothly and although I didn't get back to Iowa as planned, I have amazing friends who have I didn't realize I missed so much until I saw them again.

It's nice to be back, but it is taking a little bit of adjustment to get used to things here. I've tried to walk in the left side of doorways, or pass people on the left. Going to Target--something I used to love-- was quite painful for me on Monday for reasons I can't really explain, (in fact, the more i go on, writing this blog entry is very hard) so being back in the states will take some getting used to. Fortunately I have a lot of friends who studied abroad who understand and can help me through this period.

I'll always want to reminisce about London, so if you ever make a trip over there and need suggestions of things to do, drop me a line and I'll do my best to help you out.

Cheers, London....