Sunday, December 2, 2007

Things I'm gonna miss...

I've been thinking about the things I'm going to miss in London, the things I definitely will NOT miss, and the things I"m looking forward to at home. By no means is this an all inclusive list...I know there are many things (some probably obvious, some probably important) that I've forgot to put on here. But here it is for now.

And oh, in case you're wondering how I spent my last Saturday night in London, I was studying at school until 1:30 a.m. PARTY ANIMAL!!!

Without further ado....

Things I'm gonna miss about London:
Walking so many places
the feel of the city
night life
walking past the British museum
hanging out with Val
Hanging out with Andrew
People talking in British accents
Being able to travel places for cheap
Running in Russell Square
Bad British Television commercials
the tube
The people that try and attack you with free newspapers
Being able to take the tube and ending up in front of the world's greatest pieces of architecture

Things I'm not gonna miss:
Toilets you have to pump to flush
Getting bumped into all the time
Paying double for everything
My bed that has springs sticking out from the mattress

Looking forward to:
St. Lawrence Center
Having my own space
Mexican Food
KU Basketball
Text messaging
Singing in my car
Only paying $3.50 for a latte (instead of $7)
Applebees, El Mez, and the Mad Greek
Wings w/ Matt
Nodding my head in disbelief at other Matt
Hugs from my family and friends
My roommates
The REC center
Watching movies on the couch
Grocery Carts