But, I didn't really start to enjoy this picture until I looked at them on the computer. Because of that, I left the dog park a little frustrated and still looking for the day's perfect shot. As we were driving home, we passed the Corner Bank (Literally, the name of the bank is "Corner Bank") which had this neat statute with a light on it that projected and even cooler shadow. That is what is below. The statute turns on that little platform, so the picture isn't quite clear, but it certainly will do. (I accidentally held the shutter button down and got about 10 of these pictures. When you view them really quickly,
you can see the statute turning....pretty neat!)
Anyway, my "common problem" is that I have TWO pictures I really like and can't decide which one should actually be the picture of the day. I like the one of Pete and Farley because it tells more about my life and the people and places are in it. But I really like the way the statute picture is composed, and I love the way the shadow dances on the building wall.
So, I'm making BOTH pictures my picture of the day for January 3. I know this is kind of breaking my rule, but I figure OVER committing it probably okay.