Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day Ten: Hey Baby!

I would really love to take more pictures of people.  The people in our lives are the most important things in the world, and as I develop as a photographer, I want to learn to capture people in the moment.  But that's often hard because of poor lighting in many locations, and when the people aren't necessarily excited about getting their picture taken.  I was, however, able to get a good shot of an adorable baby today. This is Emily, and I caught her in a moment where she was quite annoyed by the flash of my camera.  Emily is the daughter of one of Pete's good friends, and  I met her on Saturday afternoon.  This picture doesn't quite capture Emily's spirit (see the other two of her), but it's just so cute and funny that it had to be my picture of the day.

Farley (Pete's dog) came with us to play with Emily and Emily LOVES Farley.  She would watch him wander around the room and laugh and laugh and laugh; her parents said they've never seen her laugh that way...stimulated by something she's watching. And she has this incredibly cute gut laugh that are reminiscent of the "laughing baby" videos on YouTube.  Her laugh put all of us in a go
od mood.  Here she is spending a moment with Farley in a picture I feel more fully captures "her" (or what I know of her in the hour I spent with her. :)).    I hope to visit Emily again and watch her love for dogs flourish.