One of the bright spots in Topeka (if that's not an inherent contradiction in itself) is the Hazel Hill Chocolate Shop. It's conveniently located downtown and although it's bright clean windows and perfectly manicured sugar blocks have lured me in several times, I have yet to actually enjoy a piece of Hazel Hill candy. Yesterday, it lured me in again (and almost got me to purchase something). But while I was deciding what to ge

t, I was distracted by this adorable little boy who was lucky enough to get a sweet treat. Although this picture isn't REALLY sharp, I love it. It portrays his excitement, and they
way he buttered up to the camera just perfectly. We can all relate to this excitement. Whether it was about getting a chocolate covered Oreo or a new bike or petting a dog, we all remember the pure bliss that came in anticipation of, in receiving, and experiencing such joys. As an adult, they don't seem to come nearly as often, but getting to observe moment like this 
Two other notes: 1) I'm getting a puppy! She is a 5 month old Lab-Retriever mix who is currently named Sunny. I'm looking to change her name before she joins my family on Tuesday, so I'm open to hearing suggestions! Be warned, you'll probably be getting a LOT of pictures of her in the future.

2) I'm headed out of town this weekend to visit Pete's family. I don't know what my internet accessibility will be, so I can't promsie updates by noon each day. I will do my best when it's possible, but otherwise, look for a copious amount of updates on Tuesday (since it's a long weekend and we won't be back until Monday.)
(I'm having major formatting difficulties...thanks for bearing with me. :))