This year, I finally had a chance to put up all of my Christmas decorations. For those of you who don't know, I have a
minor Christmas obsession, have LOTS of decorations. As such, this is a big deal. A nativity scene is central to the whole Christmas decoration scene, and this year it came together better than I could have ever imagined. With Pete's help, Jennifer and I ended up with the gorgeous arrangement you see here. I particularly love the Willow Tree set because of it's simplicity: there are areas of the faith that are so incredibly complex and hard to understand. But underneath it all, it's about one thing: Love. Love of a Father for His children, both of this world and the world above, and the love of a Mother, who sacrificed her life, trusting and believing in something greater. I think that's why we all love Christmas...it's so easy to feel Christ's love this time of year.
Although it seems it's been light years from Christmas 2008, and even longer from Christmas 2009, it's actually still the Christmas season in the Catholic church (until January 6th!). So, I offer this picture as a reminder of the joy that Christmas brings to all of us and to live it out for the next couple days. I ended up choosing this picture over the Na

tivity pictures because of the angle...and angle at which you don't normally view see a nativity scene. Plus, I had to practically stand on top of my kitchen table to get the shot, so I HAD to use it.... :)
As for the other shots I took for today.... I noticed that sock on the pillow on m

y bedroom floor and thought it was really interesting in how it landed completely flat like you see in the picture. I did end up moving the pillow to get a little better light and angle, but I didn't touch the sock.

In the end, with the way the nativity pictures turned out, I couldn't justify choosing the sock. As for the other nativity pictures... I just really like them. I think they all speak to some aspect of Christmas, but each in their individual way.
A couple of com

ments and answers to questions about this project:
1) I've been meaning to clarify on the "noon" deadline I've set for posting pictures. What I meant is by noon the following day. It's not practical for me to get a picture taken and posted before noon, especially on week days when I have to work.
2) I've received several inquiries about the kind of camera I received: it's a Canon EOS 20D. So far, the Canon EOS 20D = love.
3) Here is the address to my flick feed:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/33864043@N03/ 4) Pete has taken up Project 365, also. Check out his blog at:
http://oneclickonepic.blogspot.com/5) Thanks for tuning in thus far!