Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day One Hundred and Five: Tax Day!

Nearly every person in the United States over the age of 15 knows what April 15 means: you better make sure you file your taxes.  It always surprises me how many people wait until the very last minute to file.  (That's probably the result of an extremely organized mother who always taught me to get things done much before the due date.)  Many hate this day; for a portion of the population, it means you must give the government even more of your hard earned money.  

The main Lawrence post office didn't stay open later 
than normal to facilitate sending the 1040s to the feds and the Docking Building in Topkea.  But they did try and ease the tension of having to send away your money just before the deadline by bringing in the Alfred Packer Band...a self-proclaimed hillbilly band who played classics from both the 18 and 1990s.  I ventured down there to take in the band and see the sights and sounds of Tax Day.

Despite a number of "tea parties" happening around the country today, there wasn't much to-do at the post office this evening; just people patiently waiting for the automated stamp and package machine while crying on the inside about having to send their money away.  But then again, I didn't stick around for the effects of the Roadkill Stew to fully take hold.