Saturday, August 25, 2007

The temperature went up...that means its man-pri season

So, we're done with the first week of classes, and I think it's going to be all right. Secured Transactions is going to give me a run for my money, but other than that, shey should all be pretty good...and hopefully I'll learn a bit without having to study too hard. I am in London, after all. I've got to see the city while I'm here.:)

Last night my roommate Jenn and I decided to out and explore the nightlife a little bit. We found some fun places in Covent Garden and Lecister Square. There are different "categories" if you will, of places that serve alcohol here. Those that are also restaurants close around 11 or 12. If you want to stay out, you then have to find a place that is your more typical American bar or club. (I use "typical" very loosely in part b/c I've never been to a "club" club. But it looked like it does on the movies!!!) So, Jenn and I were at one of the pubs that closes around midnight, and didn't quite want to go home yet, but didn't really know where to go. Jenn decided to ask some random British guys on the street where we should go, and they ended up taking us to this club. (don't worry Mom...we didn't go through dark alleys or anything like that. There were ALWAYS people around.) They were nice and fine to talk to until they decided thye were going to take us home that night. Um...NO. So, as casually as we could, we told them "we had to meet our friends somewhere" (yes...we said somewhere. No specific location. It was lame...but we got away.) We weren't ever in any danger, but next time we want to go somewhere, we will be asking GIRLS where we should go.