Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day Sixty-Seven: A Different Perspective

When struggling with life situations, those we seek out for advice often encourage us to see things from another perspective to shed a light on what is going on from a view that is different from our own. The same thing can apply for pictures: when you can't find anything interesting to take a picture of, try a different perspective.

From floor level, this would seem like a large table with menus and silverware that are just waiting for patrons to come and sit and enjoy food and fellowship. But from the level above, it's an interesting background with something that looks like a table and chairs with pictures (although we can't be sure), and turns out to be a pretty interesting picture. From the ground, it's possible we wouldn't notice that the chair on the right is pulled out from the table slightly more than all the rest. From above, we wonder if someone left the table before everyone else, or got there, saw that none of his friends had arrived yet, and decided to go back out to the waiting area. From the ground, it looks like the silverware conform to the restaurant's standards dictating how they should be laid out. From above, we might notice that the way the silverware adorn the menus kind of makes them look like rocket-ships ready to engage in flight. Maybe.

Things generally look different from above than from the ground. When we're struggling with life, it might be good to remember that things always look different from above.