Although I haven't done nearly as much as he has, it seems like Pete and I are often on the go. And on the go for us doesn't mean simply doing things around town. No, it usually involves travels of at least to a couple hours to states other than Kansas. We've seen a lot of my family recently, but not as much as Pete's. Granted, they live 4 additional hours away, but nevertheless, it was time to get up there and see them. So, Thursday after work (I took Friday off), we loaded up and headed out for a weekend in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
As anyone who has taken a road trip knows, being on the road for 8 hours (one direction) can get kinda boring. But we somehow find ways to entertain ourselves: the alphabet game, picking out songs to surprise each other with to stay awake (last week, Pete chose "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul; this week, I chose the songs from the Saved by the Bell rock edition, featuring the Zack Attack), attempting to complete crossword puzzles by reading the driver the clue, listening to movies, etc.. Of course, being the amateur photographers that we are, often the travels include stops for picture taking. This picture, however, we didn't have to stop for. We made a daring daylight escape, leaving the sunset in the dust to find and new day and a new adventure a little further north.