This week has been particularly difficult for me. The bar exam (as previously mentioned) is a monster, and you don't really realize how much time, energy, and of yourself you invest in it until it's over. I had to move the day after the bar exam in July, but then had a week and a half to calm down and relax and recuperate. Since this was the second bar and I was only taking half of the test this time, I somehow thought that I could sleep in the day after and be just fine. But as Wednesday wore on, I found I was completely wrong; I'm still "recovering" and it's late on Saturday night.
Fortunately, I've been blessed with incredibly patient and wonderful people who remind me that my PBSD (Post-Bar Stress Disorder) will not last forever and work hard to keep me calm until it passes. Sometimes, those people take the form of angels, bringing me messages from above that someone much bigger than anything I've faced is also on my side.