I'll be the first to admit that getting a dog wasn't the best timing. Don't think for a second that I don't want Lucy that is far from the truth, but with the bar exam and the cold weather, I haven't been able to give her nearly the attention I've wanted to give her. The days keep adding up where I wish I could be with her out at the dog park or taking her on long walks or runs, but studying for the bar prevents me from answering even the most sympathetic whines. Many days, I'm just able to "ignore" it; I'm at work, so I don't hear her during the day. Then Pete takes her to play with Farley, I go and study in the evenings, and pick her up to snuggle with her at night. But the past two days, I've been working a lot from home where it's impossible to pretend I don't hear her whimpering. Much of her time is spent sitting in front of our back door, looking out the window at a world where she wishes she can play. She is usually quiet, nudging me only for the occasional nose rub or belly scratch, and then goes back to keeping herself entertained. For a dog, she possess an incredible about of patience (in some things), quietly waiting for a moment where I give her some love.
This virtue isn't limited to Lucy-- there are many people in my life who have been patiently waiting on me - for one thing or another-- to finish the bar and get back to normal life. In under one week, I'll be able to play with her -- and anyone else who wants to "play"-- more than ever before, and I can't wait. Until then, thank you for your patience and for sticking with me.