Tuesday, I go with Pete to meet his friends to Burger night. This is a tradition that started with him and his two roommates in 2003 and has been going pretty consistently since then. Although not everyone is always able to make it, there are at least two or three who gather each week for juicy beef and playful banter. I've been going regularly since January, and have been so welcomed into the event that I've invited a few of my friends. Last night, much to my surprise, everyone gathered to, as usual, enjoy burger night, but also to wish me luck for the bar exam last week. Pete made this ridiculously adorable cake for me, made a sign that encouraged me to "raze the bar", and provided me with a "ribbons of justice" crown (that looked curiously like the ribbon that recently came off of his valentine's day present). It was a delightful evening--err, 1 hour study break-- and with the support I have, I feel like I can go in and blow his test away. :)