One of the best parts about living in Kansas is that even during the midst of winter, you can have one or two days of absolutely amazing weather. Fortunately, God has blessed us with several of those lately. When those days pop up, Pete and I like to take Farley and Lucy to the Clinton Lake dog park. It's a place where we can let them run without a leash, play with other dogs, "do their business" where they will, and just generally get out and have a lot of fun. Yesterday was one of those 70 degree days (yes, 70 degrees in the middle of February), so after work we hit the puppy park right around sunset. For purposes of selecting a "picture of the day", I've picked this one, but truthfully, I can't decide which picture I like better. I love the picture of Lucy running out of the sunset, running right toward her mama (me), generally showing off her puppy dog smile (yes, dogs smile), and how I caught her in mid gallop when it appears she momentarily left the earth. But two of the "creatures" (for lack of a more encompassing word that works for both man and dog) I love most in this world are together in this one, on top of the hill, with the sun setting in the background; every time I look at this picture, I realize how incredibly lucky I am. I hope you enjoy them both as much as I do.

And one last little thing, I love Kansas, but Iowa is still, and forever will be, my home. :)