The bar examination is one week from tomorrow, and I am kicking studying into high gear. I'm a coffee shop studier, and have been doing most of my review at a coffee shop downtown called "Signs of Life". Several of my "pictures of the day" have already come from Signs, as does today's. I've already commented on my affinity for the establishment (if the link doesn't work, see day seven), so I will resist the temptation to indulge once again except to note that above the coffee shop and bookstore is an art gallery. I only recently learned that you can study up there, and you will now be hard pressed to find me anywhere else in the shop. Tonight's picture is of a painting that is currently in the gallery. I love all the bright colors and it's "happiness" helps to keep my mood up when I get frustrated with Iowa property law. The reflection in the window simply compounds the painting's effect. I just love it.
I'm calling this "Coffee Shop Tour" because, although I love Signs, I will most likely be hopping around from shop to shop in the next few days. I'm taking Thursday and Friday off of work, so rather than being that creepy character who hangs out at one place 24/7, I'm going to lurk from shop to shop. Expect my pictures over the next several days to reflect those shops....and the impending doom that is the bar exam. :)
Day Three Hundred and Sixty-Five: Resolution
15 years ago