Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Day Two Hundred and Seventy-Two: Lids

One tip almost every marathon training book or website will tell you is to train using the sports drinks and gels that the marathon is serving. This is to ensure there aren't any "surprises" in your digestive system during the race. Although I'm typically a Gatorade girl, the Marine Corps Marathon is serving blue Powerade. So, for the past 6 weeks or so, I've consumed more blue Powerade than I have in the entirety of my life prior to then.

Unbeknownst to me, Poweade is a Coke product, and "Coke Rewards" points are hidden under every cap. In true frugal Friedman fashion, I've been saving these caps with the intention to earn rewards on them and eventually get free stuff. But, rather than enter them one-by-one, I've been saving them to enter all at once. This cluster of lids is my picture for today. It's nothing to write home about (who wants a picture of lids with numbers on them on their wall?), but the composition itself is fairly nice. Enjoy!

P.S. Dad-- the title of this post is for you!