Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day Twenty-two: (wo)Man in the Mirror?

This week, the powers that be have not been on my side in capturing great pictures. An abundance of photo opportunities unfolded in front of me today: the Knights of Columbus in their full regalia at the Right to Life mass, the crowd at the right to life mass, the sunset, dogs at the dog park, etc.  I had my camera...but my camera battery was charging on my kitchen counter.  So, come 9:30 p.m., I still didn't have a picture, and had to one again get creative.

Today's picture is of the "Nerd Lady". I think, in some way, it's supposed to be me. :)  Pete made this little creature for me for Christmas.  Now, unless you know the background, that's not really a compliment.  So, I will explain. (WARNING: If you're not in to sappy and sentimental, I suggest you view the picture and check back in tomorrow.) Nerds are both of our favorite candy; since we've been dating, I seem to have at least one box with me at all times.  This usually isn't  a conscious choice; we just buy each other nerds, and they end up being everywhere. :)  Well, several (if not all) of the boxes are boxes we've shared, including one that we "won" together at GameWorks (a Dave & Busters type place) for which Pete had to sweet talk the prize attendant to spot us a couple of tickets.  Since we were short tickets, I'm not sure where he got the tickets for Nerd Lady's feet, but they are also memorabilia from that outing.  The "Alaska" sash is a reference to my Halloween costume from this year---Sarah Palin. And, as you can see, Nerd Lady is holding a camera; I received Nerd Lady shortly after I received my camera. 

This weekend should provide a few more photo opportunities that will hopefully result in great pictures...and I just have to remember to bring my battery along.